Saturday, August 15, 2009

Will Obama Care Result in Death Panels?

Sarah Palin has been largely ridiculed for suggesting Obama Care will create "death panels." But is she wrong about that?

I don't believe so. Rationed health care will be a reality, even if not the stated intent of Obama Care. Have no worries, if you want to see a nurse practitioner or a general physician you will have no problem because there will be many of these low skilled workers to see everyone. But woe to you if you need a "real" doctor. It's the "specialists" who will become more rare than a Dodo bird. Obama Care can not afford to pay the specialists (such as Opthalmologists i.e. eye surgeons) wages sufficiently high to give the best and the brightest the economic incentive to go to years of college, then medical school, and then internship, for a wage equivalent to what a plumber might earn (or an assembly worker at General Motors). It's simply not worth the hassle, time, and expense to achieve that level of skill. This will delight the Obama administration because if the highly paid specialist exit the medical profession in droves, the patients can not be seen by them. That's wonderful news for Obama, because that means the government doesn't have to pay them. That means while technically you will have the "right" to see a specialist, there won't be one for you to see unless you wait for years for your turn. Sleep on that thought tonight.

Back to the "death panels." If you think that claim is so far fetched, I invite you to read the views on discrimination of health care to the elderly as espoused by Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel (brother to White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel). He's a big advocate of discrimination of health care to the elderly and others who can not contribute to society, see New York Post Article.

Is Obama Care what you want when you are elderly? For your parents? Your children?

Obama Dollars to pay for Obama Care

I've solved the problem of how to pay for Obama Care. It's so simple. The Obama administration can pay with Obama Dollars! This administration has shown a fascination for printing money. All they need do is print more and more money and we'll all have Obama Dollars to spend on healthcare.

Problem is, printing money results in inflation. Germany after WWI decided the simpliest way to pay off war debts was to print money and pay off debts with newly minted money. After a few years of that, you needed a wheel barrow of Germany bills to buy a loaf of bread. Could it happen in America. I wonder.

The Obama administation is spending money like a drunken sailor. Even worse, this sailor is spending money he borrowed and has no way to repay.

Stop the printing press guys. Good sound spending practices mandate living within your means for the good of this country.

Friday, August 14, 2009

What the Unions Have Done for Detroit

If you want to see the "value" proposition of powerful big Labor union contracts and how it "benefits" a free market place, I invite you to look at what is happening to Detroit, Michigan. Once the mecca of car manufacturing and high living executives, Detroit's real estate value now is worth only slightly more than real estate in Chernobyl.

This is not to say that labor unions have not served a valuable purpose in our society and history. They did. But, they have outlived their purpose, and are creating problems for the very people they once benefited. This happened because the unions became too powerful and in their greed have crushed the golden goose that once laid golden cars.

Try buying groceries in Detroit, Michigan - if you can find a grocery store - that is. See Grocery Store Closing Hit Detroit Hard for full story. Lack of consumer goods. Sounds a lot like the old soviet Russia to me.

Don't believe the Obama administration that big government and big unions are in your best interest. They're not.